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Posted Sun Feb 15 2009: from
'Crazy ideas' to fight global warming revealed by scientists
The science known as "geo-engineering" is considered dangerous by some for interfering with the world's delicate ecosystems, however advocates claim that it could "save the world" from catastrophic global warming.... However Robin Webster of Friends of the Earth said it was dangerous to rely on untested science. "We cannot afford to close our eyes to new ideas but the fear is politicians see geo-engineering as the magic bullet that will get us out of trouble and take attention away from making difficult choices to cut carbon emissions now. We need to look at tried and tested technologies like renewables that work and can start reducing the threat climate change now."
[Read more stories about: anthropogenic change, carbon sequestration, unintended consequences]

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Ned says: "I know -- billions of floating reflectors, let loose in the oceans!"
Karl says: "Dumping all available Wite-out on the permafrost."
Canuck says: "Genetically modify phytoplankton to be silver instead of green!"

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'Doc Jim says:
"Wrapping" Greenland? Space-based "sun shield"? In the movies, "these are so crazy they just might work!" In reality, there's this thing called "the law of unintended consequences..."

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