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Posted Tue Dec 15 2009: from Yale forum on Climate Change and the Media:
Revkin's Departure from Times Leaves Big Climate Reporting Void
The nation's climate change science desk gets a lot smaller come December 21 with the resignation from The New York Times of science writer Andy Revkin. With its paring of some 100 newsroom and editorial employees, it's not at all clear how the Times itself can fill the substantial void. Even more problematic, given the dire financial conditions facing most metropolitan daily newspapers, are prospects for others to move in.... Like the "hacked e-mails" that could shift the political ground under the politics of climate change, Revkin's confirmation of his resignation could hardly have come at a more challenging time: in the midst of his covering the long-awaited Copenhagen negotiations; in the steamy heat of the hacked e-mails fiasco; and in the months leading up to possible Senate action on "cap and trade" legislation.
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'Doc Michael says:
Another one bites the dust.
This is the reporter to whom Rush Limbaugh said the following: "Mr. Revkin, why don't you just go kill yourself, and help the planet by dying?"

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