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Posted Wed Dec 30 2009: from USA Today:
How McDonald's makes sure its burgers are safe
The hamburger you buy at McDonald's may look just like the hamburger you cook at home. But, in terms of safety, the two burgers are not close. Not unless you buy your own meat directly from a packing plant that you'd not only inspected yourself but was also inspected by a third party. And you demand the meat be tested multiple times for E. coli O157:H7, salmonella and coliform bacteria.... A day spent at the Keystone Foods plant here, one of five in the United States that makes hamburger patties for McDonald's, is a glimpse into the world of extreme food safety. McDonald's (MCD) is considered one of the best, if not the best, company in the United States when it comes to food safety. "They're the top of the top," says Caroline Smith DeWaal, food-safety director of the non-profit Center for Science in the Public Interest in Washington, D.C.
[Read more stories about: anthropogenic change, capitalist greed, corporate farming, deforestation, global warming]

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'Doc Jim says:
No matter how safe the burgers, meat farms are still perilous to the habitat!

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