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Posted Thu Sep 18 2008: from Marketwatch:
Nationwide Consumer Class Action Lawsuit Filed in Georgia Against Baby Bottle Manufacturers
On September 12, 2008, Rights For America attorneys... filed a consumer class action complaint on behalf of four Georgia families against the top four polycarbonate plastic baby bottle manufacturers for their use of the synthetic hormone known as Bisphenol-A (BPA) as a chemical component in their plastic baby bottles and toddler training cups. Bisphenol-A, also referred to as "BPA" was developed in the 1930s as a synthetic estrogen, but instead gained wide usage beginning in the 1950s for its rigid and shatterproof qualities in scores of plastic products, including baby bottles and children's training cups. Unfortunately, over 150 independent peer reviewed studies by the world's leading scientists and researchers in this area have repeated shown that BPA can activate estrogen receptors that lead to the same effects as the body's own estrogens.
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'Doc Michael says:
We need tort reform. Those babies should be able to sue for themselves.

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