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Posted Tue Mar 18 2008: from Hartford Courant:
Carbon Dioxide Up For Sale
"For the first time in the U.S., carbon dioxide goes on sale in September — and the bidding will start at $1.86 a ton. A consortium of 10 states, including Connecticut, said Monday it will hold the first auction of carbon emissions "allowances" on Sept. 10, part of a plan to curb greenhouse gases from the region's power plants and slow global warming. Subsequent auctions will be held quarterly, and power plant operators — who until now have been able to emit without paying — will have until the end of 2011 to acquire enough credits to account for all of their CO{-2} emissions. "It's a new model not just for the region but for the nation," said state Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Gina McCarthy. "It's a way we can make greenhouse gas reductions achievable but do it in way that costs are contained, that protects the interests of the consumer."
[Read more stories about: carbon sinks]

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The ApocaDocs say:
Kinda reminds us of the birth of our nation, when all of New England and states south of it banded together.

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