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Posted Sat Dec 6 2008: from San Antonio Express News:
Starting to run on empty
About 40 percent of the water used in Texas comes from the Ogallala, and almost all of that is poured onto farmland -- in staggering amounts. In a given year, more water is used to irrigate farms in each of a half-dozen Panhandle counties than is pumped out of the entire Edwards Aquifer, the primary water source for San Antonio and much of South-Central Texas. Rainfall can't keep pace with all that pumping, so the Ogallala's water table drops by an average of nearly 2 feet per year in this part of Texas. In places where corn production is especially intense, average annual declines have been found that exceed 8 feet.... Meanwhile, existing water supplies for the Panhandle are projected to decline by 40 percent by 2060.
[Read more stories about: aquifers depletion]

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Haley says: "Ogallala sounds like you're gargling that water, Doc Michael."

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'Doc Michael says:
Luckily, Peak Ogallala is decades off! Plenty of time!

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