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Posted Fri Dec 19 2008: from London Guardian:
Scientists fear new wave of human BSE deaths may kill up to 350
Scientists were warning today of a possible new wave of deaths from the human form of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) amid fears the disease might have taken hold in a wider range of the population than had first appeared. Chris Higgins, head of the group that advises the government on variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), suggested up to 350 people might die if it emerged that the long-incubating illness appeared to have infected a patient with a different gene type from previous British victims. The first wave of infections almost certainly came from eating infected beef products after BSE struck cattle in the 1980s, although three of the 164 people who have died from the human disease since 1995 are thought to have contracted the disease from contaminated blood transfusions donated by people who were unwittingly carrying the disease. The first wave of deaths peaked at 28 in 2000, and only one person has died from the disease this year. But Higgins, chairman of the spongiform encephalopathy advisory committee (SEAC), said that if another patient with the disease was found to have the different gene type, more could die.
[Read more stories about: food safety, pandemic]

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Raoul says: "These numbers are small ... but suggest the tip of the viral iceberg that could happen."

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'Doc Jim says:
My poor kids already have a case of bovine spongebob-iform encephalopathy.

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