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Posted Mon Dec 8 2008: from Cleantech Blog:
EarthLED releases a new consumer LED light bulb
The EarthLED ZetaLux is a 7 watt LED light bulb. With a standard medium base, the bulb is a replacement for any incandescent light bulb. EarthLED estimates that it will cost as little as $2.00 to run the bulb for 8 hours every day for a year.... The ZetaLux uses 1/10th the amount of energy and produces roughly the same amount of light as a 50-60 watt light bulb. It has a direct light path (which in some ways takes a little getting used to) but according to EarthLED, that means the bulb has a 95 percent luminary efficiency (the bulb does not direct any light toward the light fixture).
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samuel says: "You can lead him to a bulb, but you can't make him see the light."

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'Doc Jim says:
You can LED a consumer to reason, but you can't make him think it's great to pay $49.99 for a lightbulb.

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