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Posted Fri Dec 12 2008: from WWF:
Another fisheries commission throws the science overboard
The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) today over-rode the advice of its science committee and rejected the recommendations of its chair in choosing only minor reductions in catch for bigeye and yellowfin tuna and watering down or deferring most measures for achieving reduced catches.... Measures adopted by the WCPFC will see a catch reduction of less than seven per cent for 2009 on WWF estimations, well down on a recommendation of a 30 percent cut which it was conceded would still not have eliminated overfishing. Among the discarded, delayed or reduced measures were high seas fishing closures, restrictions on gear types, and important initiatives to better record and verify catches and crack down on rampant illegal fishing.
[Read more stories about: bad policy, overfishing, stupid humans, governmental idiocy]

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nancy says: "Ignoring science is not much of a spectator sport, or it'd get lots more attention"

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'Doc Jim says:
Why use predictive information when business interests are involved?

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