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Posted Fri Apr 25 2008: from Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, via EurekAlert:
New nanotech products hitting the market at the rate of 3-4 per week
The number of consumer products using nanotechnology has grown from 212 to 609 since PEN launched the world’s first online inventory of manufacturer-identified nanotech goods in March 2006. Health and fitness items, which includes cosmetics and sunscreens, represent 60 percent of inventory products.... Despite a 2006 worldwide investment of $12.4 billion in nanotech R&D, comparatively little was spent on examining nanotechnology's potential environmental, health and safety risks. "Public trust is the 'dark horse' in nanotechnology's future," says Rejeski in his testimony. "If government and industry do not work to build public confidence in nanotechnology, consumers may reach for the 'No-Nano' label in the future and investors will put their money elsewhere."
[Read more stories about: nanotechnology]
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The ApocaDocs say:
I've got nanointerest in putting "Swissdent Nanowhitening Toothpaste" [sic] anywhere near my mouth, thanks. At least until it's gotten more than nanoattention from people with nanovested interest in the outcome.

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